Marfigs' Munchies

Adventures in vegan eats and feats

Carrot cake pancakes with almond butter, pecans and cranberries…and the bitter taste of disappointment!

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Well, where to begin….I should start at my saddest and work my way to glee. Our fridge/freezer decided it hates life and has decided to stop working, so after our little 5km stint around the Zoo today we went to the shops for our weekly food and then came home to a mass of puddles in the kitchen. 😦 AND I had made delicious lemon curd last night, so I suspect that is seeing its final hours in the gloom of the former fridge. Ai! It’s probably for the best then that I made these pancakes last night in anticipation of a post-walk hunger, and that they are so deliciously divine. In fact, the perfect comfort food!


These pancakes from Post Punk Kitchen are so ridiculous, in fact, because they actually smell and taste like proper carrot cake! I was rather suspicious of the idea of folding in grated carrot, but these textured lovelies are worth every fluffy and filling bite. They came out a bit more like flapjacks, but that’s just because I fail at making pan-sized pancakes. Also, the mixture is rather thick so I ended up squirting water in between every ‘cake to sliver it out, which is how I went from overly dense, half-burnt results to lightly golden monsters of glee.

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I did make one or two changes however – I instead of a whole 1/4 agave I used three squirts and filled the rest of the 1/4 cup with applesauce, as well as replaced the oil with 1.5 TBSP of more applesauce (had to use it!). I also used just a little less than 1 1/4 cups nutty wheat flour, since I knew I’d be watering the whole thing down anyway. Lovely!



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