Marfigs' Munchies

Adventures in vegan eats and feats

Vegan tahini pear ice-cream with berry swirl {no ice-cream maker required}


After my success with making vegan meringues the other day, I still had some leftover pre-bake meringue mix that was lying in the fridge. The texture becomes rather foamy and I was too lazy to re-whip it to bake, so I did the only logical thing: made ice-cream. No words, just heaving breathing. :p


You know, all this is one big excuse to tick off something from my to-do list: pear ice-cream. When I lived in Finland it was my absolute favourite flavour since I didn’t really see it elsewhere. Creamy and only ever so slightly sweet, it was just perfect. So naturally I go and add a raspberry swirl and stuff, but still, even without the swirl I’m pretty psyched about how easy this is.meringueicecreamtopI didn’t use an ice-cream maker because I didn’t put the machine in the freezer beforehand, as one is supposed to do, and I think I’ve misplaced some of the components (don’t tell Man-thing!), but you can do this either way. I always prefer the machine, just to feel like some masterful chef, but it works as I’ve described it below, which is pretty much to shove the mixture in the freezer.meringueicecreamdelishIngredients (serves 2 – 3):

  • 1.5 cups meringue mix (either fresh or refrigerated (much foamier))
  • 1 can sliced pears, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 cup tahini (or another nut butter such as cashew – no PB!)
  • 1 tsp caramel essence
  • pinch salt (do not skip)
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 TBSP barley malt extract powder (optional)


  1. In a small non-stick pot on the stove add your berries, cinnamon, nutmeg and optional barley malt extract powder and heat up over medium heat, squashing down the berries with the back of the spoon until the mixture is cooked down, almost jammy (approx 5 minutes). Let cool.
  2. In a food processor, blend your pears, tahini, caramel essence and salt until smooth. Fold the pear mix and meringue mix together in a freezer-safe tupperware.
  3. Blob and swirl in your berry mixture.
  4. Freeze for 2 hours.
  5. Before serving defrost on the counter for 10 – 20 minutes (it’s winter here so it took a bit longer).

meringueicecreammeringueicecreamsideA thousand different angles of ice-cream? Why not! Seriously, this stuff is easy gold – the meringue mix is just fantastic as a base because it’s pretty much got you covered on the sweetness side of things and has the lovely softness to it.

meringueicecreambiteIn other news, I’m getting more and more excited for my biopsy in less than a week! In the meantime I’m going to spend the weekend scaling down in prep for it so that I don’t walk into the operating theatre swelled up like a balloon. I love food like you can’t believe, so I’ll have to spend my Saturday making some pretty epic light zucchini soups and stuff (luckily not a hardship!) and stocking up on cucumber and jelly. One of these days I’m going to eat a big, hunking vegan burger and not wish I’d never been born!meringueicecreambite1Luckily this ice-cream is so light and creamy that I had a whale of a time munching my portion. Man-thing polished off the pre-prepared cones rather quickly, so at least I know it meets with his benevolent approval :p

And with that, THANK GOODNESS IT’S FRIDAY! 😀 😀 😀 I have an assignment of doom to get through before Monday, but at least it will be done in pajamas for most of the weekend, except for my grandmother’s birthday party. I’m going to be super lame and take broth-y soup along, but it will be interesting to test our navigational skills – we may just end up in the North Pole. I’ll try and post again before then, but if you don’t hear from me by Tuesday you’ll know border control has us

17 thoughts on “Vegan tahini pear ice-cream with berry swirl {no ice-cream maker required}

  1. Pingback: 17 Unbelievable Vegan Recipes You Can Make With Canned Bean Juice (Aquafaba) – Today's facts

  2. Pingback: A dozen ways to use chickpea juice (aquafaba) as a vegan egg replacer – Gadgets for New Dads

  3. Pingback: Secretly healthy peanut butter pizookie delight | Marfigs' Munchies

  4. Pingback: Brownie nut ice-cream | Marfigs' Munchies

  5. Wow! Your ice cream is utterly gorgeous! My ice cream never looks like that… I will have to follow your instructions *very* carefully 😉
    Thank you so much for sharing this at Healthy Vegan Fridays, I have pinned and shared this recipe.
    I hope your surgery went well and you are on the mend!


    • Thank you so much! 😀 😀 I was worried it wouldn’t be “healthy” enough but the meringue mix really does wonders for texture. And yes, I’m being very careful about what I eat and do post-procedure whilst waiting for the results of the biopsy as well but I’ve managed to go for power walks again which really makes my soul soar because it means my energy is returning 😀


  6. Pingback: Good good links #90 | Let's get living

  7. This looks so so so amazing!!!


    • *glee* Thank you! I “forgot” to tell Man-thing there was more in the freezer and eventually caved and begged him to finish it because otherwise “four+ servings” would essentially have become one :p

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I love this flavor combination! I’m happy to have stumbled upon your site – your writing style is great and your cats are cute too!


    • Thank you so much! 😀 😀 The cats are darling, I must admit – if I could just blog about them and not drive everyone crazy I would!

      As for the ice-cream, the flavours really come together so well because they’re rather subtle, but it’s always great to have something that can then be modified (AKA chocolate chips galore!).


  9. Hi, Margaux, I love this ice-cream berry swirl so much. Can I ask you that the vegan meringue that you made before. I done it and the meringue is crisp and shine after the baking time. How can you store it, if you can’t finish it all. Because I left mine in the room temperature overnight, it gone back soft again. What can I do if I want to serve the other day?


    • Thank you! For storing it I just keep it in a sealed tupperware in a dark pantry – it’s winter here though so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it? Most of the people on the forums say room temperature should be fine, but perhaps check for an extra cool spot in hour kitchen (just not the fridge!). My meringues lasted up to a week before we finally finished them, so that’s really weird that they went soft 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks, I wish I can find out what’s step I missed.


        • I was reading up on the forums again and was wondering when you said “room temperature” if you meant you kept your meringues out overnight on the counter or something? The second time I made them I kept them in the oven overnight (laziness) and it turned out even better – with the door closed and everything – because it got crispier. Just an idea – I’ve been thinking about your predicament for more than a week now :p


  10. I delighted in your post and hope to soon delight in some pear tahini ice cream too. I haven’t worked with garbanzo brine yet but I’ve been avidly reading the posts.


    • Thank you! 😀 That stuff is pure magic – it’s really amazing what people will come up with. Let me know how it goes if you try out the reicpe 🙂


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